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TeakuuGames Web LLL

Link List Library (cool megathread ig)

All websites listed are considered safe when I added but heed with caution if you are a very skeptical person and you should be fine anyways if you dont download anything which isnt required of you by 99% of the websites linked here, so have fun lol

uBLOCK ORIGIN: Always use protection ;)
You can request games and stuff via email (click me) or DM on discord! Must fit it's respective category!

^ doesnt apply to JUST this page either btw, feel free to msg me for other stuff too!


  • Flash Museum A massive collection of popular, old, and most flash games
  • Flashpoint An alternative to flash mus

github related / html5 / flash sites list
some sites include other cool content too!

gæm related

  • cs.rin.ru / steam underground: huge eng/rus game piracy forum.
  • fitgirl: my first choice for pc games. heavily compressed, small files & fast download times!
  • ovagames: great general source of cracked games
  • steamrip: reliable source of pre-installed steam games
  • gamdie: pre-installed indie games
  • oldgamesdownload: abandonware archive with games from the 70s to the early 00s, mostly pc & old computer systems
  • the collection chamber: lots of old games, optimized for modern windows!
  • dlpsgame.org: games for every playstation console, 5th-8th gen nintendo consoles, and various PC games
  • cdromance: amazing rom site with a focus on romhacks and fan translations

This website is based off the ComputerVirus site
you can view it here - there are a ton of other nice links on it including game related ones!



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